Thursday, December 14, 2006

More Thanks

Mary squeezes a burp from her sister's diaphram. Lauren, we have learned, can burb at will. Ad nauseum. Ours, not hers. We are so proud.

What a pose! Worthy of a statue. Peter, the intrepid battery cable guy.

The gang (Emily included) go on an expotition.

Thomas doing magic tricks. Again.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Busy children need a bath, and Emily (left) and Mary helped. BIG tub, took about an hour to fill and had a tide.

A taste of the view. More to follow when the film is developed and scanned. We were so happy and surprised at how nice the cabin was and the wonderful view and weather. We were blessed.

Lauren was thankful for all the big girls to be with. Her sister Mary, cousin Emily, Cousin Mallory, Cousin Kandace. Lots of big girls to watch and play with.

Peter was thankful for the cabin. He ran back to the porch, checked out the view, and exclaimed "Daddy, we can see the world!"

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thomas had a party

The party was for his second birthday. A little early to be hitting the bottle, but ya gotta start sometime.
This pic was entered to be the first, but Beta thought otherwise. I hate editors who think they know better than you.
Ellie was a bit nervous when we arrived.
Now how is that for an outfit? Shades of Sandra Dey.

More Party Fun

Lauren demonstrates her icing licking technique.
Thomas bites bubbles, much to Mary's amusement.
A peak from the birthday boy.

Lauren demonstrates amazing optimism about her ability to jump rope.

Rolling Down the Hills

The party ended for me with the chldren rolling down the hill behind our friend's house. Peter did a great job!
That is Phoebe with her ubiqutous (at least for that day) sunglasses.

Mary rolled down like a champ as well.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mud Fun

My wife Becky asked if I would keep the triplets quiet so she could take a nap. I said sure, and wondered how I would keep them quiet. Since it had just rained, we went to play in the mud. Peter was a bit cautious, and wanted to search for life in the ooze.

Lauren wanted to see how it felt on her. She used to do this with her mashed potatoes.

Mary showed them how a big girl makes a big splash.

And Thomas got really dirty!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

More from the Farm

The whole crew.



Thomas again

Pumpkin patch

Thomas found a nice one.

Lauren fell asleep on the ride over. She was a bit suspicious when this was taken.

The son of Mary's teacher. We printed out an 8x10 for him as a gift. Automatic A baby.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Birthday to the Triplets

A super present for a super son.

Mary catches rockets.

Four years old, and having a party. What a long, strange trip its been.

Our friends had fun too

Emma Grace and Halley share a laugh over lunch.

Church friends.

Chris and Thomas.

More birthday

Mary and friend Phoebe take a rest.

Mary's first emo pic. I am so proud. But she needs to learn to avoid looking at the camera for these.

Lauren, exhausted from her most recent tour.

Peter ready to clean up the mess and repair the damage.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More Gymtasticks fun

Fun at Gymtasticks

Thomas jumps with characteristic abandon.

Lauren stikes a pose midair.

Peter was having more fun than the picture infers.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Visit to the park

The leaves are just starting to turn. See the tiny fish?

Not as posed.

Posed. Guilty. Trying to pay homage to "The Walk to Paradise Garden."

Peter was waxing eloquent about something.

Thomas being coy. The pose was his idea, and a right good un too.