Family Photos. For more ambitious images please direct your browser to http://www.flickr.com/photos/tmink
Mary hugs Peter while Noel looks on.
Peter chows. Food was a major concern as these three can be PICKY eaters. But for the most part, everyone did fine.
OK, this fish is tiny, but the children enjoyed it all the same.
Lauren poses or gets an attitude, I forget which. The bikes were a lot of fun for the little ones.
Tiny Thomas waking up. Notice the size of the hand compared to the size of the infant.
My mother feeding Peter. He was our big baby at 3 lbs.
This photo can give you an idea of how tiny they were. I do not often post these photos for many reasons: It is hard for me to tell who is who, and that is a little embarassing; It seems like two ages ago, and so many of the photos I threw away when I edited them. See, I did not know that I needed to save a large, unedited copy. So for many of these early photos, there will never be alarge print. And it is my fault. And I hate thinking about it.
A not at all soft photo of Lauren. I like this one a lot, there is a demented quality to it!