This is my father and mother in law holding on eof our then infants. It looks a bit like Thomas, but it is difficult for me to distinguish them in these old photos.

The third and the fourth. Having no fun. No fun at all.
Family Photos. For more ambitious images please direct your browser to http://www.flickr.com/photos/tmink
Well, it looks like we may have each made a new friend. Thanks for giving me the time to explain, for taking the time to wade through the too long post I made.
I will delete these in a while, as they are nobody's business but ours. In final words, God bless you, my sister. Let's pray for each other as friends and people who have forgiven each other. Equal sinners, equal saints, but new friends.
And I will continue to seek and grow in not seeing gender bias where it is not. A new friend gave me that good advice.
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