Friday, April 28, 2006
nice digital pic

One of the first nice digital pics I took. Waiting for a wedding rehearsal to get going. I was the only one on time. Fine flower, but what makes it for me is the sexond flower out of focus in the background. THis is also one of the first I took with a prime lens instead of the plastic cheapie zoom that came with the d50.
Sorry about light posting
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
fun surfing

I have been enjoying surfing some other photoblogs. I am compiling a list of my favorites and will post them here. Some are great, some are weird, and some are just OK. Many are really wonderful. It is interesting to contrast and compare this little blog. One thing I noticed is how un-avant-garde I am! Kinda prosaic actually. No biggie though. The other is how unpretentious and low key this blog is. None of the other blogs I saw posted any pics that didn't work. I have posted at least two and am strangely proud of that! This is more a blog about my thoughts about my photography than it is a presentation of my most excellent work. I like that, it is cool and easy. Hope you enjoy this pic!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Good dog
and again
Monday, April 24, 2006
You are welcome
nice panorama
empty chair technique
Happy Monday

Happy Monday

Is it reall the end of April?
Sunday, April 23, 2006
nice portrait

Friday, April 21, 2006
But at least it is a start!
more beach
Thursday, April 20, 2006
bayou scene

My father took this photo, and I think it is one of his best. Early in his painting career he would look through my pics and use them for his compositions. He struggled a bit with knowing what to paint, but he could really paint! This composition shows his growth in seeing. I like the composition and the subject matter. I will try to put on a pic of the painting he did from it later. He did two or three version till he got the approach he liked best.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Mom in the snow

See what I mean?
Still life

I have a black and white version of this that just does not work. The negative is not great, but the tonal ranges are too similar in the monochrome. Here, the familiar farm red and the green give the image some chromatic diversity where there was not tonal diversity. The black and white just blends in together, I will try to post one of those next. But this is nice and calm and interesting to me.

Monday, April 17, 2006
even more no water shots

On a side note, doing the blog has energized me to scan more pics. It is not like I am running short, I have over 400 scanned, but I want more! The associations that these bring up are spurring me on to post other specific pics. I printed out a bunch for friends at church for Easter, that was fun. I also printed a couple for myself, because I could. Happy tax day, I hope last year was prosperous and you really hate seeing how much our government takes to do silly things while avoiding the important things that they need to be doing. Nuff said.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Look ma, no water

Too much water in previous posts. This was from Poland in 1980 or 79. The Pope was visiting his homeland, and we were goodwill ambasadors from the States. 4 am, early morning light and severe jetlag. Think De Stijl. Nice and modern. The radio was a tubed model that sounded FANTASTIC. Cause tubes sound that way man. The white thing is a vase. Great shadows. I bet this one would make a great computer background or pic at a bar. Hope you like it.
Child by the Bayou

Well, I know that one person has seen the blog in that I showed my wife last night. So I have that going for me. Which is nice.
I am cooking the mahi mahi for dinner, actually, I am just getting the coals going now. How great is wifi? Smoking a cigar, the wind is blowing, the whining kids are inside. Cool. We had a nice Easter Egg hunt today, but the candy leavs the children CRANKY. I am cooking, and the wife suggested that I grill. Is there any wonder why I love that woman?
But back to the pics. I have always been drawn to water. I consider it God's providence that I have not driven into a stream or lake as I was rubbernecking. So there are plenty of water pics over the years. This one is a keeper. The child seems isolated. Actually just good cropping as the family is just stage left. But in the pic the child looks alone and nervous. Bayous are mysterious places, they can be full of gators and 6 foot long gar. So there is a sense of menace and vulnerability.
Friday, April 14, 2006
enough with the shore already
Sorry about the beach fixation

This pic of Thomas, my youngest son by two minutes, is transcendant. He is stepping into the sky, up in the air, with confidence and joy. God bless you son.
Good Friday

Thursday, April 13, 2006
Well, how did I get here?
The original digital images were taken on the Nikon d50, the images cleaned up with Photoshop, then saved as smaller jpegs which are imported. The original artwork is either scanned or captured through a negative which I scan. I figure it is easy to throw away un-needed pixels, but impossible to creat resoloution. So I store them large and share them small.
woman by tree

religion in photography

Another pic from Jamaica. To me there is a spiritual undercurrent in this. For some reason it reminds me of Jesus and Mary. I cannot figure out why, the presence of the little girl makes no sense. It is not like the Pieta. What is striking is how beautiful and real the people are, how none of them are looking at each other or even in the same direction. The boat, the three generations, the poverty and the beauty. Perhaps it is just the spiritual power of hard work, perhaps it is in the turning away of the son from the mother, but a Christian vibe pervades the pic for me.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
some thoughts
I was scrolling and was struck by the quality of the work in a different way. I felt proud and accomplished in a different way. So do it yourself, make a pic blog. It feels good and is fun. Even if nobody sees! But if you want, drop me a line and I will look.
two points

Two points.
1. When you are shooting digital, shoot too much. Way more than you think you need. It is completely easy to throw them away. It costs nothing. There is no excess in making digital images. A moment can be an eternity. Seconds make all the difference. See above.
2. I like the somber one better. Pictures of upset, pensive, or rage filled children are more evocative for me than the happy ones. There are more than enough pictures of happy children, but that is not all that children are. Be brave, take, keep, and share pics of your children with other emotions. They make for good, intense, and important pics. See above.
Boys of Summer
To bad next is what you see first
my take on a classic
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Man on steps

Early 80s, probably taken with 20 or 24mm lens. Weird perspective and strong graphics make this one a fun one for me. Nice monocolor too. I used to not think much of my color work, but that was perhaps because I worked so hard at my black and white printing. When scanned, I like the results of the color photos much more. Perhaps the technology I could afford for the color prints was not up to the work I could do on my black and white. I miss the darkroom, the smells, the craft, the fun! Working in photoshop is not as fun. Oh my goodness it is faster, and my fingers are not stained unless I am eating Cheetos, but it is not as fun as the darkroom.
POST 25!!!

P0st 25, cool! Celebrating with a favorite pic. Extreme shallow depth of field, and I used a developer called Rodinal to give it a very sharp and grainy look. OK, I blacked out the background with photoshop because it had little lighter spots that were distracting. Just spots, the shadow is real, only intensified. A nice example of using scale to make an everyday object less representational and more graphic.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006

From our recent church picnic on Wednesday. Wonderful pic, 24 mm fixed lense, works as a 36 on the digital camera. People ask about the camera when admiring the pics, but it is the lens that makes them sharp and clear. Mom in trying to get out of the pic makes a wonderful composition. Great light, wonderful colors. I made a nice, large print for the family on watercolor paper, it looked smashing.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Picasso the cat

Well, one of the people at my table who shall remain nameless because I forgot his name because he was Stan's brother and a ninny, says "Sure your Satanic Majesty, I will partake of your evil." He sniffs the Devil's dandruff and his face goes numb for two hours. But this long preamble of a cautionary tale is to say it was a weird morning the day after lying to the Devil and there was this cat and the composition looked vaguely cubist and so I took the pic and called it Picasso the cat. Looking closer at the cat these many years hence, I am not so sure that it was indeed the Devil or one of his familiars. The cat has a nasty look about it.
this is rare

Not the reptile, it is rare that I got a good photo from a trip to the zoo! I generally take my camera to the zoo and the aquarium etc, but it is not often that I get a good pic. This one works, took a fair amount of photshop, and it may be a digital original, not sure. But I like it, and it is not too obviously a shot from the zoo.
Friday, April 07, 2006
coming? going?

How cool. Way diff pics, seconds apart. I have not straightened them yet. Seems I am neurologically incapable of taking a pic with a straight horizon line. So I set them straight in photoshop. Not yet here. But, this feels like a nice editorial choice. Little differences, not so little change in impact and emotional communication. For me she is making choices in the first and trapped in the second. Cool.
newer stuff too

This is recent work as well. Family vacation in Alabama, made the commitment to get up EARLY and traipse around with the camera and tripod. I bought up a lot of old Nikon glass. Digital age means more people getting rid of their film stuff. Good for me. Come to think of it, I buy a lot of records too. Hmmm, must be a contrarian at heart.
But, this is one of the pics from that time that I am happy with. I like the two moons, that works for me. Good exposure and everything, but the two moons draws me in. Is it the moon, is it the reflection. OK, I am sounding like Pink Floyd, but it is an element of the problem of perspective, perception, and subjectivity. It is clear which moon is the moon, but until you figure the white blob is the reflection of the moon you don't know how to put it in context. Then there is the whole photoshop question. Half of what you hear, none of what you see?
Probably a 28 f2.8, barely an AI lens. I love the old glass I picked up, I am still looking for a 200f4. I have the old 28, newer 35, newer 85, older 105, real old 135. The 135 has NO depth of field, it is such a gas to use! I can use some of them on the N50, but not the pre AI ones. I need to get them converted so that I can.
Thursday, April 06, 2006

More beach. This one is happening. Sharp, well exposed, beautiful, and what a moment. Thomas was holding his arms out so that he could see himself fly. I love that you can see it in the shadow but ot see his face. I am so happy with this pic. I think I will print it out tonight at home. The joy and uninhibited nature of childhood, the freedom of the imagination, the bizarre quality of the pose, it is rich and evocative for me.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Dad's flowers

This is a tiny painting my father did. I think it was more an exercise or a study than a finished painting, judging by the size. It was fairly loose for him. His teachers always told him to loosen up his style. He was a born super realist. He was after all a surgeon with amazing small muscle control. He listened to them and worked to loosen up , but this is about as loose as it got. I have this as a nice print on watercolor paper. It is blow up to about 10 inches tall. The transformation is interesting because it makes it look loose as the brush strokes are magnified.

Beautiful morning light, a kind embrace, wonderful color. The children have such lovely, dark skin, you can see a purple cast. The little boy was patient and loving with his sister. Yet there is a wistful quality to his face. When he saw me taking the picture, he gave a large grin, but this is the one I prefer, the calm, detached face, looking off camera.