This is recent work as well. Family vacation in Alabama, made the commitment to get up EARLY and traipse around with the camera and tripod. I bought up a lot of old Nikon glass. Digital age means more people getting rid of their film stuff. Good for me. Come to think of it, I buy a lot of records too. Hmmm, must be a contrarian at heart.
But, this is one of the pics from that time that I am happy with. I like the two moons, that works for me. Good exposure and everything, but the two moons draws me in. Is it the moon, is it the reflection. OK, I am sounding like Pink Floyd, but it is an element of the problem of perspective, perception, and subjectivity. It is clear which moon is the moon, but until you figure the white blob is the reflection of the moon you don't know how to put it in context. Then there is the whole photoshop question. Half of what you hear, none of what you see?
Probably a 28 f2.8, barely an AI lens. I love the old glass I picked up, I am still looking for a 200f4. I have the old 28, newer 35, newer 85, older 105, real old 135. The 135 has NO depth of field, it is such a gas to use! I can use some of them on the N50, but not the pre AI ones. I need to get them converted so that I can.
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