Well, I just call him Picasso. This is another pic from Jamaica. Things were interesting down there. THis is the day after I saw the Devil in Jamaica. We were minding our own business at dinner, when the devil asked if he could sit down. Now it is harder than you might think to tell the devil that he may not sit down. He is after all, the Devil, and as a powerful entity, you do not want to piss him off too much. I just thought he was the devil at first, then he said that he was waiting for his cocaine connection and asked if we wanted to use some of hte last of his cocaine. See, I told you it was the devil. I said no, saying that I had already used a lot of cocaine and was worried about dying from a heartattack if I did any more. Truth be told, I had not done any cocaine, this was Jamaica, not Peru, and I was lying. But, the last thing the Devil wants is a big enquiry and a dead tourist. Bad for business.
Well, one of the people at my table who shall remain nameless because I forgot his name because he was Stan's brother and a ninny, says "Sure your Satanic Majesty, I will partake of your evil." He sniffs the Devil's dandruff and his face goes numb for two hours. But this long preamble of a cautionary tale is to say it was a weird morning the day after lying to the Devil and there was this cat and the composition looked vaguely cubist and so I took the pic and called it Picasso the cat. Looking closer at the cat these many years hence, I am not so sure that it was indeed the Devil or one of his familiars. The cat has a nasty look about it.
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