Thursday, April 13, 2006

Well, how did I get here?

So technically speaking, how did these get here. They come from two primary sources, transparencies and original digital photos. The transparencies are scanned with a Minolta Dimage II to large files, about 100 meg Tiff files. They will print at over 19 x 23, the largest parper my printer will spit out. I photoshop to fix them up, and then save a small jpeg of about 400 k. Then Blogger shrinks them to about 80k. LOTS of compression and loss, but they still look OK.

The original digital images were taken on the Nikon d50, the images cleaned up with Photoshop, then saved as smaller jpegs which are imported. The original artwork is either scanned or captured through a negative which I scan. I figure it is easy to throw away un-needed pixels, but impossible to creat resoloution. So I store them large and share them small.

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