Hmmm, all scenics of a sort. Only one is panoramic in intent, and I like em all. Well, I would, I am showing them right? The daisys work by sheer number and the dazzeling white. There is SOME texture there in the 100 meg original scan, our mileage will vary here in compression land.
The middle pic is of an Alabama dawn on a lake. I have printed out one try on watercolor paper, and it did not work. I think it will need glossy to get the color and shimmer right. If you do NOT get the color right on these color fields type photos, you do not get the pic right. They are about design and color for me. Well, they are also about the innefable quality of God's light, how He could have left us in darkness or in black and white like our animal friends, but He gave us color. He gave us so much. Thanks!
The last one is a friend walking away in the dusk. I took this one with my Nikonos. Somehow, I thought it would be a good idea to tube down a river with a keg in one of the tubes and interesting other travelers in small baggies with my camera. This is one of the two useable pics. Oh youth. Well, I will show the other later. This is the end of the trip and there is a certain psychic exaustion and liberation.
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